Med Sure 📚🖊️👩‍⚖️













最後のCRF(Case Report Form)が打ちこまれた瞬間に結果・解析・フィギュアが完成☆





I wish there was such a system 🕊️

〜Clinical research & Fair outcome Assurance system〜

In medical research, the process of writing a research plan, conducting the research, and reporting the results (e.g., in a paper) is very difficult for busy clinicians thanks to the effort required to produce!

So…since the background, methods, number of cases, evaluation items, and statistical methods are written in the research plan,

When the permission to conduct the research is granted, we will prepare the algorithm that will automatically generate the results.

・It has been difficult to get the results out to the public right after the study is over(the findings are supposed to be new, but they have been overtaken…).
・ I don’t have much time!
・I am not sure if the statistical method(procedure) is correct… Is there more than one correct answer?

We believe that this system will be a solution to such a variety of problems.

Creating a single national or academic approval standard, and using the power of digital and AI make it possible to assign the appropriate A-code generated from the algorithm to the A-research (protocol).

The results, analysis, and figures are completed the moment the final CRF (Case Report Form) is typed.

Only the discussion part, which is only known after the research, is added at a later date.

By doing so, we can

(1) Eliminate the time lag between the completion of the research and the reporting of the   results

(2) Reduce the burden on clinical staff

(3) Ensuring the quality of statistics, and preventing fraud,

It allow us spend more time for active and meaningful communication after publication!